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Nice Day
I figured...
Easter morning, we woke up and my mom and dad were still in bed. I was thinking, "I couldn't wait for them to wake up. I just want to open my Easter basket." My sisters and I were watching TV. When my parents came down, we got to open our Easter baskets. When I opened my basket, I saw a lot of things that I didn't need. Then, when I looked at things, there were things I wanted. I discovered that my sisters got different things. My sister Adi had a nail kit already so me and Wren got one. None of us had fake nails and we all got nail kits. Then when we went on the egg hunt, we all got a different number of eggs. The Easter bunny hid them very well. Wren got the most eggs and I figured it was because she has the biggest eyes.
This is a lot of work and very creative. I love watching you work on your little projects! ❤️ Mom