The Itchy Costume

 Today at Hip Hop, we got our costumes. We got to try them on. It sequence on the shorts. They were like a rainbow. The top was white and there was a light blue sweatshirt. I thought the shorts were itchy and the white top was very low. Good thing the blue sweatshirt covered it! When I took it off, it was hard to get off. Luckily, I will only have to wear it for a few minutes for our recital. We didn’t get to dance in it today, so I don’t know if it will be good for dancing. 


  1. I'm sorry your costume is itchy. I bet it looks cute. I can't wait to see you in it, but I was able to picture what it looks like based on all of your descriptions. ❤️ Mom

  2. Sometimes costumes aren't the best! I hope it ends up being ok for dancing!


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